A Level Further Maths
A Level Further Maths
Further maths is a course that will broaden your mathematical subject knowledge to better prepare you for studying Maths or a Maths related degree at university. Further maths offers you the chance to learn additional techniques in Pure and Applied mathematics.
The tasks we have set you for the summer centre around this approach. We hope you enjoy the YouTube videos and find that the books further excite your passion for mathematics!
Pupils suitable for the course:
You should achieve a grade 8 or above at GCSE maths.
In addition you should have a passion for problem solving - often independently using the internet to research ideas or methods.
The maths department look forward to welcoming you in September.
Required Equipment & Resources
If you know you are taking this course at Moulton you will need to get the following resources:
Calculator: minimum requirement: "Casio FX-991EX Classwiz" or a graphical calculator suitable for new spec A-level. Most pupils have the casio calculator which is required to do this course.
Textbook: These are the textbooks you will need for the first year if your course. We encourage you to try to get a second hand one if you want to save a few pennies!
Core year 1 and AS: MEI A-level Further Mathematics Core Year 1 and AS 4th Edition: by Hodder Education https://www.amazon.co.uk/Level-Further-Mathematics-Core-Year/dp/1471852997
Numerical methods: MEI A-level Further Mathematics Numerical Methods: by Hodder Education https://www.amazon.co.uk/MEI-Further-Maths-Numerical-Methods/dp/1510403582/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1YHE6SQLRGCKM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bKlyfH1d8SIJdp7xKta6tNznIAiD_X1aJzziwTpssJw.8QehoechXyEcznbPD5wJDRZc4zV2Ho3_F1mV7a-ibaQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=mei+alevel+further+maths+numerical+methods&qid=1719499235&s=books&sprefix=mei+alevel+further+maths+numerical+methods%2Cstripbooks%2C79&sr=1-1
Algorithms: MEI A-level Further Mathematics Numerical Methods: by Hodder Education https://www.amazon.co.uk/MEI-Further-Maths-Modelling-Algorithms/dp/1510403132/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36SBI22IW33NA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lyjqAsWcOEd1TAPtpERaAuxkjXlUwvU4RW_iQ9lJUBHxBLy-Jv78MYZQ7MSlL5JQ.YxA8EIA3FsnHNY4jIX5ckjq52h-_3nO-uXeZo0mzXtI&dib_tag=se&keywords=mei+alevel+further+maths+algorithms&qid=1719499272&s=books&sprefix=mei+alevel+further+maths+algorithms%2Cstripbooks%2C91&sr=1-1
Bridging Resources
Pre-Course Booklet - Click to Download/View
Here is the Pre-course Booklet for A-level maths and Further maths that was given out on the Bridging days. You are to work through the booklet with the answers and then complete the assessment at the back to hand in to your teacher on your first A-level maths lesson.