A Level Product Design

Product Design - Summer task

Please complete both task 1 & 2 ready to hand in/submit during your first lesson of the new year.

1. Timeline

2. Powerpoint presentation - please email this to me prior to the lesson so that they can be presented to the group.  debbie.malone@moultonschool.co.uk

Please bring your work with you on your first day back in school. 

A' Level Product Design - Textbook

If you are interested in studying Product Design, you will need your own copy of the AQA Textbook.

AQA Design & Technology - Product Design; Hodder Press.  ISBN 978-1-5104-1408-2 

A'Level - Design & Technology; Product Design - Communication/Sketching Skills

Communication is an essential part of the course.

We spend time at the start of the course upskilling this element, however you will find it useful to follow one of the 'Sketch-a-day' and/or 'draw with Donnelly' youtube exercises. I have also attached two CAD booklets that take you through using Fusion 360. Fusion is a free CAD package that links to our 3D printer, it also allows you to convert 3D drawings into 'planes' that can be laser cut. Getting to grips with this will help you to access higher marks in your NEA task.

Just one thing to add - you can inverse the scroll wheel/zoom direction in settings, and it makes using the program a lot easier. 

Please practice your sketching skills and bring with you a selection of your sketches that showcase a range of skills.

I would also like to see evidence of your CAD skills. 

A Level Product Design - Programs to watch

One of the best ways to develop your understanding of a variety of materials, skills, processes and products is to improve your knowledge of how products are manufactured and used. Being able to reference real products when answering exam questions is essential at A level.

Watching a range of programs can be the easiest way of doing this.

Programs to find on catch-up or to look out for include: