A Level Government & Politics

Transition Work and Some Extra Case Studies.

1. Read the Discover Parliament Booklet and the Transition Work Document then complete the quiz!

2. Read through each of the news stories. Highlight any political terminology and note down a definition in the space provided below the story. Rank each story according to its importance in British politics, in your opinion, and justify your rank.

3. Design your own party. Attempt to design a party that would have ran during the UK’s 2024 election. Create a campaign leaflet; the key here is going to be convincing people that your views are right!

4. Read the attached information on EU Law. After reading the information do you think the 2016 Brexit succeeded in removing the influence of the EU from the UK?

5. Read the worksheet, “Nation or State” and consider the discussion point on the first page and the examples on the second.

6. (OPTIONAL EXTRA) Take a look at the example case studies (Gender Recognition Bill and Marriage Act) these talk through some of the most controversial aspects of public life in the last few years- studying politics can help you make sense of all this and much more....