Level 3 Core Maths - Maths in Context

Level 3 Core Maths - Maths in Context.

This course deepens your skills in mathematics and introduces some new topics that have real life application. This course will be useful if you take A-Level subjects that contain a high level of statistical or real life Mathematics. 

This course is an alternative choice to the Extended Project. 

You will use a lot of the number and statistical skills that you have covered so far in a real life context and further develop your understanding of Maths in the wider world. In addition to this you will learn new maths skills and concepts.

We follow the Edexcel course at Moulton School and have done so for a few years. The course is designed so that you have lots of time to practice any new skills that are acquired, as well as refreshing any previous knowledge.  We also spend time using spreadsheets and learning some of the advantages in being able to utilise this technology for  a statistical investigation. 

Pupils suitable for the course:

You need to achieve a grade 5 or above in your GCSE maths.

Required Resources

Bridging Resources

Here is the Pre-course Booklet for Maths in Context that was given out on the Bridging days. You are to work through the booklet with the answers and then complete the assessment at the back to hand in to your teacher on your first lesson. 

Three things to consider working on before starting the course:

Mathswatch and MathsGenie are great resources to support you with these. 

Sample Assessment Material

I have attached a sample assessment for you to look at. You will see that there is lots of reading and you will need to interpret the information to answer the questions.